Amazon Games, known for its ventures into the massively multiplayer online (MMO) gaming world, is set to release its upcoming global MMO, Throne And Liberty. Unlike its previous projects, Throne And Liberty reflects a more collaborative approach between Amazon and NCSoft, aiming to address player concerns and redefine the MMO experience. In this article, we delve into Throne and Liberty Lucent the insights shared by Merv Lee Kwai, leader of the Amazon team working on Throne And Liberty, and explore the key changes that set this game apart from its predecessors.
Fairness at the Core:
A major emphasis in the development of Throne And Liberty is fairness. Merv Lee Kwai repeatedly underscores the commitment to creating one of the fairest MMOs to date. This commitment is a direct response to the challenges faced by Amazon Games in its previous MMO releases, such as Lost Ark and Blue Protocol, which were criticized for microtransaction controversies, RNG-heavy crafting, and grinding mechanics. Throne And Liberty aims to redefine fairness by eliminating pay-to-win elements, preventing gear destruction in crafting, and achieving better balance in endgame grinds.
Learning from Past Mistakes:
The acknowledgment of past mistakes is evident in Amazon's collaboration with NCSoft developers to make fundamental changes to the core mechanics of Throne And Liberty. The decision to remove autoplay, a feature that sparked controversy during earlier tests, demonstrates a willingness to listen to player feedback. Autoplay, a common element in many MMOs, has been eliminated to make combat more dynamic, allowing players to move while casting spells. This decision aligns with the vision of creating a game where players actively work for their achievements, contributing to buy TL Lucent a fair and engaging gaming experience.