No. 3 Elden Ring Colosseum 1.08 Best PVP Build - Death Mage

Lastly, we have the death mage build, this is a Caster build that's intelligence based although. It can use faith as well later on Elden Ring Runes in NG plus that focuses on the use of death sorceries. This Elden Ring 1.08 Colosseum build works very well in PvP. Ancient death ranker tracks enemies really crazily and it was patched in 1.07 to track them even longer. You can absolutely just abuse this in combat. It's kind of cheesy but frankly, the amount of cheese is. It's going to pressure enemies to either come at you or run away from you.

Elden Ring 1.08 Death Mage Build Equipment

Right Hand Ornament 1 - CarianRegal Scepter

Left Hand Ornament 1 - Spinning Weapon

Head - Fia'sHood

Armor - Fia'sRobe

Arms - Black Knight Gauntlets

Legs - Bull-Goat Greaves

If players are aggressive and they come at you this is really the best way to play against this build. So if you see someone using the strategy you should charge them, that's the best thing you can do obviously avoiding the schools. If they come at you, you really have two options you can try and trade with your Knight and Flame sword which we don't recommend usually. If they have a bigger stronger weapon than you or they're dual wielding, you're going to lose that trade, and you'll take more damage than you'll deal. Or you can do two-hand your staff real quick which is the carrying Regal scepter and use Spinning Weapon.

They don't see this coming most of the time and this hits like a truck. Especially if you have something like Shard of Alexander equip, it does an absolute lot of damage when they get into it and they get staggered usually and caught in cheap Elden Ring Items it and if you spam this like twice in a row, you usually finish them off.