3. Helm Wager
Overview: Helm Wager is another endgame PvP mode that involves high-risk, high-reward gameplay. In this mode, players wager their Pieces of Eight and other loot for Skull and Bones Items significant rewards.

How to Participate:

Wagering: A player initiates the Helm Wager by putting up their Pieces of Eight and other loot. This sets the stage for the PvP encounter.
Hunting and Escaping: Once the wager is placed, other players are invited to hunt down the person who made the wager. The player who initiated the wager must then travel to a designated outpost to complete the event.
Rewards: If the player who made the wager successfully reaches the outpost, they receive the rewards. If they’re defeated, the hunters gain the loot.

Strategic Movement: Plan your route carefully to avoid potential ambushes from other players.
Combat Readiness: Ensure your ship is well-equipped for both offense and defense to increase your chances of survival.
Can PvP Be Disabled?
At present, Skull and Bones does not offer an option to disable PvP. While the majority of gameplay does not involve direct PvP interactions, participating in the designated PvP modes will require you to engage with other players. This ensures that those seeking PvP action will have ample opportunities to test their skills against others.

Additional Tips for PvP Success
Ship Customization: Invest in upgrades and modifications for your ship to enhance its combat capabilities. This includes improving weaponry, armor, and maneuverability.
Crew Management: A well-coordinated crew can make a significant difference in PvP combat. Communicate effectively and assign roles to maximize your team’s effectiveness.
Stay Informed: Keep an eye on game updates and patches, as new PvP modes and balance changes may be introduced over time.
With these insights, you’ll be better prepared to dive into the competitive waters of Skull and Bones and make the most of the PvP opportunities available. Whether you’re hunting for treasure, seizing outposts, or participating in high-stakes wagers, mastering these PvP modes will enhance your gameplay experience and provide exciting challenges on the high seas. For more tips and updates on Skull and Bones, stay tuned to Skull and bones items for sale online the latest guides and community news.