
But if you're just playing normally it's going to Elden Ring Runes be about half the game or so 48 of the game or so before you get this weapon, if you're playing like in a normal fashion, next up we're using the icon shield in our off hand for a couple reasons, first, it's a great shield allowing you to do block counters more easily because of the hardness of the shield enemies rebuff off of it with their attacks more often allowing you to get a follow-up counter-attack much more easily, and secondly, it's because it regains 3 HP over time so between that and the Blessed Dew Talisman which is one of the talismans that we use we're going to have plus five HP regain constantly with this build between that and the butchering knives regain one percent, that's a lot of HP that you'll get back as you just naturally explore levels and areas and attack enemies, additionally, this great Shield only has a 22 strength requirement which means we only need six more points than the butchering knife anyway, and even though we're set to keen on the butchering knife, that means we're not wasting as many points into buy Elden Ring Items strength as we could be.